Report #3 – Field Identification

Report #3 For my final report, I will be combining all of my field “work” or adventure, as I like to call it. Thankfully I have had the opportunity to drive around the Portland area and was able to identify these 6 different trees: Douglas Fir, Grand Fir, Western Hemlock, Western Red Cedar, Ponderosa Pine,Continue reading “Report #3 – Field Identification”

Report #2: Research/descriptions

Report #2: Descriptions The following are the descriptions of the 16 different coniferous species native to the Pacific Northwest that were intended to be part of this report. After initial research was done, there were a few minor changes to the original plan. In these descriptions, soil type is not specified and instead “associated wildlife”Continue reading “Report #2: Research/descriptions”

A Guide To Conifer Identification

Nick Lewis, ESM 544 Report #1: Introduction          This report, to be more of an “identification guide”, is influenced by first and foremost a personal lack of experience in conifer identification. Further, I have a strong interest to be able to observe a specific coniferous tree, know the steps to how to identify it, inContinue reading “A Guide To Conifer Identification”

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