Final Thoughts: Coastal Northern Californian Trees

During my upbringing, I never stopped and looked around at my environment. I was too caught up in being a teenager that I never realized the amazing nature around me. I never thought that there was anything special about trees and plants. Trees were just trees right? Wrong. I began this blog with a shortContinue reading “Final Thoughts: Coastal Northern Californian Trees”

Costal Northern Californian Tree Pt. 2

Field Notes: Forest Ecology Blog Post #2 Date: May 10th, 2020 Study Site: Wavecrest, California Coastal Trail, Half Moon Bay As stated in my first blog post “Coastal Northern Californian Trees” I was going to do a field study identifying the different plant and tree species along the Wavecrest section of the California Coastal TrailContinue reading “Costal Northern Californian Tree Pt. 2”

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