White Oak Conservation Efforts and Suggestions

In the first two installments of this informative piece; the history, significance, and current state of the Oregon white oak has been described. These explanations lead to the question of what we are doing now to conserve what is still surviving of the white oak groves. This final installment will provide information on some ofContinue reading “White Oak Conservation Efforts and Suggestions”

Current and Historical Values of White Oak

White Oaks have undergone a drastic decline in terms of abundance here on the west coast. Once spanning around one million acres in the Coast Range, White Oaks now cover only 6% of that original expanse. As the abundance of White Oak has declined, so has their functionality in human society. What little area whiteContinue reading “Current and Historical Values of White Oak”

An Informative Guide to Oregon White Oak

This report will serve as a guide outlining the natural history, characteristics, and importance of the Oregon White Oak. In order to interact directly with this species I will be visiting the White Oak savanna that is located in West Linn. This park consists of a large open expanse of grasslands and oak trees, soContinue reading “An Informative Guide to Oregon White Oak”

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